Entries by admin

Flex’s POTS Dial-up Network

A friend of mine runs the most advanced dial-in network that is active in the present day. It’s a system where people can use their old technology to access many dozens of bulletin board systems. So a person dials into the gateway, from that gateway they select which bulletin board that they’d like to connect […]

Fishingnet Echomail Network: KANSIT.com Gains Full Maintenance and Administration Work

Jonathan Justvig has got the job of administering the Fishingnet Echomail Network. This is a key communications network for The PHATstar Society. This brings in some regular funding for KANSIT.com. The Fishingnet is The BBS Scene’s prime Christian echomail communications network. Its message areas include apologetics, charities, counselling, cults, education, evangelism, general chat, history, media, […]

New Legion RPG Version: BBS Door by Jonathan Justvig

When you hire KANSIT.com to mentor you regarding your BBS work you are also helping Jonathan improve the BBS Scene in general. Jonathan (cr1mson) has been working on his very own BBS Door Game called Legion RPG. It is several years in development and is progressing more in recent days. When you’re looking at how […]

KANSIT.com’s Fresh Website Design

We have had a problem with another web host and so we’ve transitioned to another provider. It is both less expensive, faster data transfer, offers system backups, and the whole system is meant to make web design a simplified process. We are adding the capability to buy direct from our website host using PayPal payment […]