KANSIT.com’s New VPS/vServer Designed Specifically for Hosting BBS Servers

KANSIT.com has designed something to host BBSes of all shapes and sizes. KANSIT has recently acquired a Symmetric Gigabit Internet connection. That can push 140 M/second, which is very good even for the most demanding BBSes. What sets our services apart is weekly backups and expert advice in hours rather than days. Our advice is exceptionally good, having been into the BBS Scene for many years. Your backup images are stored on an SFTP/HTTPS server that can be downloaded at your convenience from anywhere that has an Internet connection. It is all archived right there for you. All BBSes hosted by KANSIT will get their own [name].bbses.org address. So, for example if you wanted to reach the KANSIT WHQ BBS you would type in kansitwhq.bbses.org, and you would be directed to our very own board. The up-time is high and you will be provided root access to your board via SSH. Our prices are good and we’re there standing beside you on your bulletin board system adventure.

The Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum Poster PDF

This is an awesome poster that details the EM Spectrum from VLF to EHF. The author of this poster has released it under the Creative Commons license. You can download the file from : http://unihedron.com/projects/spectrum/downloads/spectrum-20190805.pdf

Flex’s POTS Dial-up Network

A friend of mine runs the most advanced dial-in network that is active in the present day. It’s a system where people can use their old technology to access many dozens of bulletin board systems. So a person dials into the gateway, from that gateway they select which bulletin board that they’d like to connect to, and voila!! they’re connecting at 33.6k to modern day BBS systems. Even modern day VOIP analogue telephone adaptors can work with modem signals when using an uncompressed codec. In my opinion this is amazing. When I’m out in the woods where there is phone connections but no Internet service this would allow me to keep in touch with the world, and do it with style. Also, full on nostalgia is a part of this adventure. Just try to imagine a system that hosts more than fifty BBSes, allowing people to access the board of their choice without long distance charges would be a total game changer. This is some really cool awesome tech. Thank you Flex! So how does this relate to KANSIT.com? We sell the GrandStream HT802 2-Line Analogue Telephone Adaptor, which includes an uncompressed codec that allows data signals to transverse the 64 kilobit bandwidth of a phone connection with a high ratio of data transfer to unused data space. Check out our store to pick up one of these adaptors.

Fishingnet Echomail Network: KANSIT.com Gains Full Maintenance and Administration Work

Jonathan Justvig has got the job of administering the Fishingnet Echomail Network. This is a key communications network for The PHATstar Society. This brings in some regular funding for KANSIT.com. The Fishingnet is The BBS Scene’s prime Christian echomail communications network. Its message areas include apologetics, charities, counselling, cults, education, evangelism, general chat, history, media, ministry, persecution, prophecy, public speaking, and the underground church. Its file areas include documents, general, info packs, multimedia, software, and underground files. May God get the glory!

New Legion RPG Version: BBS Door by Jonathan Justvig

When you hire KANSIT.com to mentor you regarding your BBS work you are also helping Jonathan improve the BBS Scene in general. Jonathan (cr1mson) has been working on his very own BBS Door Game called Legion RPG. It is several years in development and is progressing more in recent days. When you’re looking at how KANSIT.com helps the BBS Scene you can look at our products and services and those things we do for free for the community as a whole. cr1mson is a C++ and Python coder. He can use his skills from the design of Legion RPG to make BBS mods (modification apps) for the purpose of customising your BBS to be just how you’d like it. He has the skills to customise your system to how you’d like it specifically to be.

ZOTAC ZBOX’s Passive Cooled Nano Computers For Sale. They are perfect and are out of the way…

We are selling discount computers with a nano form factor. You can hide them somewhere out of the way and not have your BBS get in the way of the rest of your life. We use several of these same makes and models in our server hosting so we can attest that these are some seriously fun kit. Not to fast, not too slow, just right. We are selling these things from our eBay accounts.

We specialise in the hard to find communications kit

From modems to analogue telephone adaptors, to serial adaptors, to usb to serial cables, to nano computers that give you very small and out of the way computers to host your bulletin board system without the clutter of full scale desktop systems.

KANSIT.com Sponsors BBS Day 2025

We are in partnership with PHATstar in providing great prizes to be given out next BBS DAY!! BBS Day is on February 18th, 2025

KANSIT.com’s Fresh Website Design

We have had a problem with another web host and so we’ve transitioned to another provider. It is both less expensive, faster data transfer, offers system backups, and the whole system is meant to make web design a simplified process. We are adding the capability to buy direct from our website host using PayPal payment methods. Welcome to the fresh and new website of KANSIT.com: Kansas Information Technology.